Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus

Hi all here is the post for the Stranger on the road to Emmaus. chapter Three

Part One: Heaven & Earth

  1. The first book in the bible is Genesis which means beginnings. True or false?
  2. What means did God use to create? He used Angels, or He used the basic elements, or He spoke?
  3. The Bible states that god is an extremely intelligent being but is limited in knowledge. true or false?
  4. The Bible clearly teaches the concept of pantheism- That God is in everything, and everything is God. True or False/
for further consideration read Psalm33 verses 8 and 9 , Psalm 139 verses 1 thru 6, Isaiah Chapter 40 verse25 and 26 and 28

Part two: It was good:

  1. The Bible says it took God seven days to create the world. true or false?
  2. The Scriptures indicate that the world, as orginally created, was differant from what we now know. True or False?
  3. In what ways was it different?
Part Three Man & Woman

  1. The Bible says that man was created in the image of God. In part this means that God created man with: a Mind, a physical body, emotions a will ( three are correct)
  2. Which statement is true? God breathed life into man, Man became alive on his own, or An angel brought man to life?
  3. What does the name Eve mean? Servant, Life-Giver, Woman?
  4. The Bible says that mankind was created to reflect god's grandeur- to honor Him as a son honors his father. True or false
  5. The bible teaches us that only perfect people can live with in the presence of as perfect God. true or false?
For further consideration: In Papua New Guinea, the culture dictates that "he who creates the paddle owns the paddle." In a Bible find and read these verses that illustrates the Creator Owner connection: 1 chronicles 29:11 & 12, Psalm 24: verse 1 & 2, Psalm 47 verse 2

Also many Bibles have a concordance in the back. This is a tool to help one find a verse. For example, let's say you can remember that God said he would create man in His own image, but yoy cannot remember where the verse is found. Try finding this verse using the concordance by looking up the word Image:

So God created man in His own image, in the Image of God He created him; male and female he created them.

See all next week,

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