Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus

Hi everyone here are the questions from chapter two. How are you enjoying the book so far? How is the Lord using this book in your life? Please share your thoughts:)

Questions from Chapter 2

  1. The bible says that God created himself in eternity past? True Or false
  2. According to the bible , what does God need to exist?(choose one) the basic essentials of all life. Eternal matter. Nothing.
  3. The name LORD focuses our attention on God's position_ He is LORD of lords. True or False
  4. The Bible states that God is sovereign, which means He is the __________ of the Universe. Lord or Ruler or King.
  5. The Bible clearly states that there is only ___ ____ ___ God.
  6. The Bible says that God is invisible. He is a ___ __ __ __ __ __ .
For Further consideration:

Find and read and think on these verses Psalm 102: verse 12; Psalm 8: verse 1; Jeremiah Chapter 10 Verse 10 All these are in the old testament.

Angels, Host, and Stars

  1. The Bible indicates that angels are; Innumerable, invisible, equal to God which one wrong.
  2. Angelic beings were created to serve God. True or false
  3. What was the Latin name used for the most powerful, most beautiful spirit ever created? was it Gabriel or Lucifer or Michael
  4. The word anointed means "to set apart for a special task". True or False
  5. The Bible states that God is worthy of: nothing or praise?
For Further consideration

Read, and think, and share on these Nehemiah chapter 9 verse 6, psalm 145 verse3, and Revelation chapter 4 verse 11( Revelation is in the New Testament)

Have a blessed week,

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