Wednesday, July 7, 2010

By This Name

HI all,

We are now in Chapter three. I really hope you are all getting a lot from your reading time. I if you are putting in the time, you are building up a sure foundation in Christ.
Well here are the questions for this week.
Part One: Three Attributes

  1. The Bible says that the Lord Yahweh is the only one who possesses these attributes: All - Knowing, all Powerful, Everywhere Present at one time, all of the above?
  2. In Scripture, who else is ascribed all the characteristics of the Lord Yahweh? other gods, and goddess, human beings, no one?
  3. Though the Lord is everywhere at one time, he is not a part of nature. True or False
  4. Just as a tribal man is not part of his canoe paddle, so the lord God is distinct from His creation. True or false
Part Two: Order & law

  1. The sun and the moon fit into which category? the maker ( Creator) or what was made ( creation)?
  2. The universe functions with amazing precision, showing that the Lord is a God of [chance/order]?
  3. The Bible says Yahweh is faithful and consistent. True or false?
  4. The word righteous means: holier than-thou. upright, Honest, and honorable. hard working , clean, and charitable.
Part Four: Perfect and caring

  1. The Bible says that God provides: only what we need, or everything for our enjoyment, or Nothing, we are expected to care for ourselves.
  2. To show care is a form of _________________ manipulation or Self Centeredness or Love or weakness?
Part Five: The Image of God:

  1. Man was created in the image of God. This means that we are exact duplicates of the Lord with all of His attributes. True or False?
  2. Only Lord Yahweh can impart life. No other person, spirit, or god can do that. True Or False?

Part Six: Higher yet Near:

  1. Even at best , our understanding of Yahweh is limited. True or false?
  2. The Lord is distant and uncommunicative. True or false?
  3. (mark two) Adam & Eve: belonged to God because the Lord was their Creator. and or were created as gods. and or were given the responsibility of taking care of the earth.?
  4. (mark two) Because Adam & eve were innocent of any sort of evil or wrong, They had a perfection that allowed them to live in the presence of God. and or There was a relationship __ a friendship__ between God and Man?
  5. When the Lord created the world, it was incomplete, or it had problems, or it was perfect.
I just want to say stay up on the answering the questions and letting the Holy Spirit drive this deep with in you.


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